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Cooper’s Hawk is a Winery and Restaurant company that currently operates 30 restaurants across 8 states. They produce and distribute all of the wine for their restaurants out of their Winery and Distribution Center, located in the suburbs of Chicago. Cooper’s Hawk’s rapid growth creates a critical need for their operational processes to keep up with their expanding enterprise.
Cooper’s Hawk’s rapid growth spawned a need for a world class distribution program. At the time, the company was operating using an excel based, paper pick process, but readily recognized the importance of implementing a Warehouse Management System to move their operations into the next phase of their company’s growth. Cooper’s Hawk’s Director of Distribution, Dan Beard, was brought on board to help the company with this next evolution of their operations. With an extensive background in WMS implementations, he guided the company towards cloud based, mobile friendly systems that would position them for growth through savings in time, effort, and scale. Looking to the future, Cooper’s Hawk issued an RFP for a cloud based mobile warehouse solution that was dynamic and scalable enough to be able to grow with their company and meet both their current and future needs.

WithoutWire presented a clear and significant advantage over other companies, and won the RFQ.

Key Decision Factors:
• Cloud based system with mobile integration (Android, iOS)
• Low capital investment cost for initial implementation
• Negligible downtime due to device turn around
• Simple onboarding
• Remote system access

WithoutWire met all of Cooper’s Hawk’s requirements and they were able to implement within two months! One of the key selling factors of the app based front end on WithoutWire was the cost savings from cloud based mobile integration. From a device standpoint, rugged warehouse devices cost an average of $3K per unit. WithoutWire can be run on any Android or Apple (iOS) device, ultimately allowing for functional devices to be implemented for less than $800 each. Additionally, the app based platform allows management to access the WMS from their company cell phones, giving limitless access to the system without having to buy new devices for every user!

Nexterra Wine, dba Cooper’s Hawk Winery has expanded WithoutWire from its DC to its Winery, and has just completed a full integration with their Winery Management ERP System! 
Because WithoutWire offers a powerful cloud based, mobile driven WMS: The Cooper’s Hawk distribution team was able to fully operate their WMS during a power outage, saving hours of downtime.